Tell me please, who to contact when buying and searching for housing in Turkey?
by (8 points)

2 Answers

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When buying and searching for housing in Turkey, you can contact real estate agencies that specialize in Turkish properties. Here are a few options:

1. **Property Turkey**¹: They offer a wide range of properties for sale in various regions of Turkey, including Istanbul, Bodrum, Fethiye, and Antalya¹. They also have a separate section for apartments for sale².

2. **Turk Estate**⁴: They provide over 52050 property offers and include information on prices, photos, descriptions, floor plans, installment plans, mortgages, and investment options⁴.

Before proceeding, it's recommended to get legal advice and understand the residence requirements and other regulations related to buying property in Turkey³. Please note that this information is subject to change, and it's always best to consult with a professional or legal advisor before making any decisions.

(1) Property for sale in Turkey | Turkish properties - Property Turkey. https://www.propertyturkey.com/.
(2) Buy apartments for sale in Turkey - Property Turkey. https://www.propertyturkey.com/real_estate/turkey/apartment.
(3) Property for sale in Turkey: 52011 real estate in Turkey, investing at .... https://turk.estate/en/.
(4) Buying property in Turkey - GOV.UK. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-buy-property-in-turkey.
by (3.7k points)
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We looked for an apartment in Alanya on our own for a long time but without success. Then, we accidentally stumbled upon a real estate aggregator website on the Internet. Yektahomes.com is an ideal option. It has a very convenient search system. You can quickly and easily select what you need based on various parameters. We spent very little time choosing our apartment. Thank you, Yekta Homes, for our house by the sea! Our family has our apartment in our beloved Alanya, almost by the sea. The staff helped us choose a suitable apartment for our budget. Even though it is quite inexpensive, it fully meets all our wishes. Our dream has come true!

by (40 points)

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