Case study: Online Reservation System for Air lines

The reservation system contains airline schedules, fare rates and tariffs as well as passenger and ticket reservation. The reservation system allows customers who use Orient Airlines to make reservations via the use of internet and mobile phone applications. The reservation system ensured effective customer service and in turn marketed and grew to become large airline with fleets of airlines in the region of hundreds and over 300 flights in a single day. By relying on their efficient reservation system, the airline was able to notice and see the importance of system upgrade as the systems for more processing power as the systems they relied upon were from the initial stages when the airline was relatively smaller and served fewer customers. The initial system also had limitations in linking prices and seat inventories to different airlines that worked with the Orient Airlines. Upgrading the system would allow to incorporate the feature of linking ability with the other airlines that cooperated with airline.

Three main actors of this system have been identified, these are

·  Customers have basic permissions in the ticket booking system, can search the desired destination, choose a seat and make a payment in one click.

·  Agents are users who can manage the functionality and have access to all features within the system.

·  Administrator is able to manage every aspect of the system, has visibility to all features and changes system settings.


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